Monday, October 8, 2018

GeeeTech A10 Verses PETG

The Challenge

I really want to print in PETG and I think that the GeeeTech A10 printer can handle it, SO i'm putting it to the test..
I have a couple of really good colors in PETG starting with this RED.

The Test Print

So to test it I started with the #3DBenchy after a couple of attempts setting up the print I finally got it and was able to print this.

This came out really good and I am happy with the results. 
My setting where as follows:
Nozzle - First layer 240c
            - Print 235c
Bed - 80c at all times
Speeds: 30mm/sec

This then lead to a huge print for a mate, he is building a RAILCORE II 3D Printer and needed me to print the parts for him. I finished the Print Blog here PRINTING A RAILCORE II

He wanted it to be printed with eSun PETG in SOLID BLUE and I was happy with the setup from the red PETG.

The RAILCORE II needs 50+ parts and had the A10 working flat out...

All up it did 200hr, went through 1.2kg of filament, two nozzles and I only had 170grams of waist.

This little printer has been such an impressive machine, all of this was done with no mods to the printer.

Check out my Geetech A10 review @ GeeeTech A10 Review 

If you are interested in purchasing one, 
Click Here > GearBest - Geeetech A10 Quickly Assemble 3D Printer 220 x 220 x 260mm